Monday, March 2, 2015

Box and Whisker

-A box-and-whisker graph is a graph that shows how far apart and how evenly data are distributed

it looks like this
Image result for box and whisker plot for kids
Minimum: is the lowest extreme of your data.
Lower quartile: is the median of your data starting at the minimum to the median of the original data.
Median: is the middle of the first set of data
Upper quartile: is the median of data starting AFTER the median of first set of data to the maximum.

This video I found was very helpful in explaining how to make a box and whisker plot.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked the pictures you used for this portion of your blog. I think they are helpful for anyone who has trouble understanding box and whisker plots. In addition, I like the design of your blog and think it is easy to navigate.
