Wednesday, February 18, 2015

All About That Graph

-An important part of displaying data are visual illustrations.  These visual illustrations are different types of graphs.  Graphs such as: pictographs, circle graphs, pie charts, dot plots (also known as line plots), scatter plots, stem and leaf plots, frequency tables, histograms, bar graphs, and line graphs. 

-First lets take a look at some vocabulary you will see. 

            -Categorical Data: data that represents characteristics of object or individuals in groups.

            -Numerical Data: Data collected on numerical variables.

            -Pictographs: used to represent tallies of categories.


-Dot Plots/Line plot: provide a quick simple way to organize data.  Only use them when there is only one group of data and have less than 50 values.
                                    -Outlier: a point whose value is significantly greater than or less than others.
                                    -Cluster: Isolation group of point
                                    -Gap: large space between data points
                                    -Mode: Data value3s hat occur the most often

            -Stem and Leaf Plot: a display where the data is organized by place value.
                   Image result for stem and leaf plot      Image result for stem and leaf plot

            -Grouped Frequency Table: Shows hoe many times data occurs in a range.

            -Histogram: Compare number of data items grouped in numerical intervals.  Order does matter.

            -Bar Graph: Compare number of data in grouped categories.  Order doesn’t matter.
                                         Image result for bar graph

            -Circle Graphs: Circular region partitioned into sections.  Each section equals a part or percentage of the whole.

            -Line Graphs: Consecutive data points are connected by line segments.

            -Scatter Plots: Relationship between variables cannot be depicted by a broken line.


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