Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A little bit about me...

Hi, my name is Brady Lilley.  I live in Mesa, Arizona but was born and raised in Prescott, Arizona.  Yes, I pronounce Prescott like Preskitt like any TRUE Arizonian would...just saying...I am a country girl through and though.  I love small towns, dirt roads, and actually being able to go star seeing at night.  I am the youngest out of 3 kids, and have one niece who is the apple of my eye.  My family is my everything, and no you don't have to be blood to be family.  

 I am excited to start my career as a teacher! I am currently attending Mesa Community College and Northern Arizona University Extended Campus to make my dreams of becoming a teacher a reality!!! I can't wait to teach! I currently work for Gilbert Public Schools at Desert Ridge Junior High School.  I'm a paraprofessional specialist in a multi-disability classroom, and I also work with several autistic students as well.  I love my job and wouldn't change it for the world!!!